Gratitude Cards
A short time ago I came across an online article sharing the story of some nurses in a rural hospital, and how they felt about caring for patients, who did not believe they were sick with covid. I was incredibly touched by the story and came up with a personal goal of trying to express 'thanks' on behalf of those who were/are unable to express it themselves. I created the idea of 'Gratitude Cards' which simply say 'Thank you', in a colorful and positive manner. I decided to try and pick one hospital in each of the 50 states, that were somehow labeled as 'hardest hit', in terms of the pandemic. To each hospital I am sending four unique cards directed at the ICU/Covid unit, in hopes of being publicly displayed to the essential healthcare team as a simple touch of hope or ray of inspiration. I create these on behalf of those who are unable to express it themselves for whatever reason.
Each card measures either, 4x4, 4x6(6x4), and 3.5x3.5 and is made from a variety of art paper including Deckle paper. They are encased in a plastic sleeve for easy maintenance and longevity, and every one has a title, my name, and a simple phrase such as 'Keep the faith' or 'You're personal sacrifices are appreciated' (and a smiley face🙂 ) They are also numbered as part of a set limiting the art cards to 200, to be spread out nationwide. This is bringing me a unique sense of joy and diligence to complete this goal, and I truly hope the mojo ripples like rings in a lake.
UPDATE: All Thank You cards are completed and shipped!
Gratitude Cards-Small in Design, Big in Gratitude!
I was previously asked if I 'accepted donations' from someone I had gifted in the past, and thought this page would be ideal for a PayPal 'donate' button. All of my artistic donations to hospitals (both kids and covid) are created with self-purchased materials and the shipping/packing fees are mine also. If You would like to 'gift me' via PayPal, I've set up a button. You may also contact me via the contact page. Thank You All for visiting my corner of the world!